Green supply chain management (GSCM) has emerged as a vigorous managerial philosophy to attain co-operate profit and market share objectives by diminishing environmental threats and impacts while improving ecological efficiency of organizations. Green supply chain can be effectively applied to moderate the environmental damages caused by end of life products by considering the interplay of social, economic and environmental aspects with integrated and long-term perspectives. This paper reviews the factors affecting the implementation of green supply chain management for the Indian bottled water industry using Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM), a multiple criteria decision making method used for structuring complex decision making problems. An important step for using ISM is to identify the prominent drivers that can affect the implementation of green supply chain and their interrelations between each other. The various drivers of green supply chain management are identified based on the literature and an overall examination of the industry taken under study.

Keywords: Green supply chain management, Interpretive structural modelling