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An Intelligent Routing Frame Work for High Traffic Networks using Deep LearningBabita KumariSenior Software Engineer, Microsoft, USAPDF |
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Strengthening the Subgrade Highways Depending on Classified Geotextile CharacteristicsAHMAD ALKHDOURDepartment of Civil Engineering, Al-Balqa Applied University, Al-Salt, JordanPDF |
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Relationship between Leadership Behaviors and Managerial CommitmentGANESH PRASAD PATHAKFaculty of Management, Tribhuvan University, NepalPDF |
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Dual Antenna Power Detector Operating over L, C Bands for Power Harvesting Applications in 3G, and 5GSERIOJA O. TATUDepartment of Telecommunication, INRS, Montreal, CanadaPDF |
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Finite Element analysis of Electromagnetic Braking SystemPROF.M.BROWNFaculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, York University, Toronto, CanadaPDF |
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Determining Top Users of Google Application Using K-means ClusteringEUGENE G. RANJOSchool of Computer Studies, Emilio Aguinaldo College, Manila, PhilippinesPDF |
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An Efficient Blockchain Strategy in the course of PandemicsPROF.ELDIN SHAIK MOHAMMEDSchool of Computer Science, Cairo University, EgyptPDF |
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Research Hotspot and Trend of Urban Community Service Based on Citespace Visual AnalysisYASH QIUXIANGSchool of Engineering, Hunan City University, Hunan, Yiyang, ChinaPDF |
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Wind Turbine Investigations for Best Performance of Coefficient and Maximum PowerNOUREDDINE, BEN ARIBIA HOUSSEMDepartment of Electrical Engineering, Alfaisal University, Saudi ArabiaPDF |
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Effect of Bends on Dispersion in ChannelsUNEKE AGUNWAMBA PAULINUSDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, University of Nigeria, Enugu State, NigeriaPDF |
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Real TimeEffect of Bends on DispersionUNEKE JONAHDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsuka, Enugu State, NigeriaPDF |
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Arduino Combined with Fiber Optic Sensors for SecurityMOHAMED SADEGDepartment of Computer Engineering, Bani Waleed University, LibyaPDF |
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PCA Based Face Detection and Recognition systemSHERWAN ABDULLAHDepartment of Electrical Engineering, Firat University, TurkeyPDF |
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Emergency Fire Response System using Embedded System in Internet of Things (IoT)PARTHA PRATIM PAULLecturer, Dept. of ECE, Presidency University, Banani, Dhaka, BangladeshPDF |
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Strategy for Testing Healthcare Applications on Blockchain TechnologyRAKSHITH AMARNATHSchool of Computing, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, U.S.APDF |
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Optimized Solar Energy Systems for a non-Outages GridMAHMOUD ELWANYProfessor of Electrical Machines, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Al-Azhar University, EgyptPDF |
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Design of Supercapacitor-Based Bidirectional DC-DC Converter Using Fuzzy Logic ControllerPROF.MOHAMMED IBRAHIMSchool of Electrical Engineering, Cairo University, EgyptPDF |
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Utilization and Experimental Analysis of Steel Slag in Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Rigid PavementBharathi B, Raju B, Ankitha Gowda P, Nithin DAssistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru, Karnataka, IndiaU.G. Student, Department of Civil Engineering, ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru, Karnataka, IndiaPDF |